About the Virtual Academy

Vision and Values

The joy of learning is our top priority. But how does a learning process succeed in today’s university environment? We believe that excellent teaching comes from the right mix of didactic competence and digital skills. To make the magic work, we support teachers with a wide range of evidence-based services, from customised one-to-one coaching to concise professional development and CAS degree programmes.

In our work, we always rely on open and appreciative communication. Our focus is on practice: we deal with real problems from everyday teaching and do not orient ourselves to short-term trends. In this way, we contribute to a sustainable transformation in education and a careful use of digital tools.

The Team

The strength of the Virtual Academy: a team in which diverse skills come together. From university didactics and learning technologies to visualisation and video expertise.

Luca Bösch
Luca BöschProduct Owner Digital Tools
“Sure, that works!”
Andrew Ellis
Andrew EllisExpert Data Science for Education
“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.“
B.F. Skinner
Ioana Gatzka
Ioana GatzkaHead of Virtual Academy
“Good teaching may overcome a poor choice in technology, but technology will never save bad teaching.” Tony Bates
Dominique Herren
Dominique HerrenProduct Owner Didactics
“It is the most important art of teaching to awaken the joy of creating and of knowing.”
Kaspar Kaufmann
Kaspar KaufmannExpert Digital Skills
Evelyn Kraft
Evelyn KraftProduct Owner Digital Skills
“Reduce to the max.”
Bernard Krummmenacher
Bernard KrummmenacherExpert E-Assessmment
“What you tell me, I forget. What you show me, I remember. What you let me do, I understand.”
Anita Jutzi
Anita JutziOnline Editor
“If something is easy to read, it was hard to write.”
Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Madeleine Joss
Madeleine JossAdministrative Assistant
“Don’t look for mistakes, look for solutions.”
Robert Michler
Robert MichlerExpert Digital Skills & Didactics
“Listen, watch … learn!”
Miriam Missura
Miriam MissuraExpert in Didactics
Denise Stettler
Denise StettlerAdministrative Assistant
“Organising with passion”
Stephan Robotta
Stephan RobottaIT Software Engineer
Development through change
Carmen Alexandra Tarnutzer
Carmen Alexandra TarnutzerCourse Administration
“Of all the life skills available to us, communication is probably the most powerful.”
Lena Tichy
Lena TichyCommunity Manager
“A ship in port is safe; but that is not what ships are built for.”
Grace Hopper
Mehida Salihovic
Mehida SalihovicCover for PO Digital Skills and eCoaches Coordinator

We look forward to hearing from you!